"Mercy, Merci" is a novel of adventure, mystery and romance during the Revolutionary War. As in "The Glove," published in 2005, this novel contains original poetry as well as familiar historical characters. Although the story is fictitious, many events actually occurred, and it is around these events that the story is woven.
"Mercy, Merci" is a novel of adventure, mystery and romance during the Revolutionary War. As in "The Glove," published in 2005, this novel contains or...
"Mercy, Merci" is a novel of adventure, mystery and romance during the Revolutionary War. As in "The Glove," published in 2005, this novel contains original poetry as well as familiar historical characters. Although the story is fictitious, many events actually occurred, and it is around these events that the story is woven.
"Mercy, Merci" is a novel of adventure, mystery and romance during the Revolutionary War. As in "The Glove," published in 2005, this novel contains or...
Investigating topics such as grammar and punctuation and planning and assessment, this book provides excellent support for teaching assistants working towards Higher Level Teaching Assistant status, as well as those undertaking the Foundation Degree in Teaching and Learning. It contains direct links to the National Curriculum, National Literacy Strategy and HLTA Standards, along with case studies, practical tasks and self-assessment questions which allow trainees to demonstrate their own proficiency in literacy.
Investigating topics such as grammar and punctuation and planning and assessment, this book provides excellent support for teaching assistants working...