This book examines the importance of air pollution for the forests of rapidly industrializing countries and regions. Its geographical coverage includes South and Central America, Africa, and Asia, including Siberia, China and Korea.
The problems presented by air pollution are placed within the more general context of sustainable development within these regions and the historical legacy that they are attempting to deal with. Attention is drawn to the very serious problems associated with poor air quality in cities such as Mexico City and Chongqing, China. Air pollution in these...
This book examines the importance of air pollution for the forests of rapidly industrializing countries and regions. Its geographical coverage include...
John L. Innes Michel M. Verstraete Martin Beniston
JOHN L. INNES University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada The interactions between biomass burning and climate have been brought into focus by a number of recent events. Firstly, the Framework Convention on Climate Change and, more recently, the Kyoto Protocol, have drawn the attention of policy makers and others to the importance of biomass burning in relation to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Secondly, the use of prescribed fires has become a major management tool in some countries; with for example the area with fuel treatments (which include prescribed burns and...
JOHN L. INNES University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada The interactions between biomass burning and climate have been brought into focus by a...
This volume contains a selection of scientific papers which were presented at an international workshop on the impacts of climatic variability held in Wengen, Switzerland, September 1997. For the first time, an assessment is made of the interactions between physical and biological elements of the Earth System on the basis of shifts in extreme climatic conditions, rather than simply changes in mean atmospheric conditions which research has tended to focus on until recently. Natural ecosystems and forests are typical examples of systems which, while constrained within certain ranges of mean...
This volume contains a selection of scientific papers which were presented at an international workshop on the impacts of climatic variability held in...