In the literature, there is no comprehensive survey and assessment of the histology of natural and unnatural injuries to humans that has been scien- tifically researched and practically examined from the point of view offo- rensic medicine. Even today, an analysis of the international literature shows that the significance of histology in medicolegal examinations has not hitherto been systematically presented in the English language. Above all, there is a lack of a critical appraisal of the evidence value of histology and its significance within the scope of concrete forensic determinations....
In the literature, there is no comprehensive survey and assessment of the histology of natural and unnatural injuries to humans that has been scien- t...
In this book, concerned with the spatial and structural repre- sentation of the cell and its particular specializations, the author hasdeviatedconsiderablyfrom the usual planfor other books related to this subject and has presented the illustrative material in the form of detailed and accurate drawings. The layout of the book provides the reader with a briefnarrative accountoftheparticularorganelleaccompanied byafull-plate illustration on the facing page. Most ofthe narrative accounts areaccompaniedbyashortbibliographyofgermanereferences in the event the reader desires to pursue the subject...
In this book, concerned with the spatial and structural repre- sentation of the cell and its particular specializations, the author hasdeviatedconside...