This book is a comprehensive reference source for practicing engineers and students specializing in electric power engineering and industrial electronics. It will illustrate the state of the art in induction motors. Beginning with characteristics and basic dynamic models of induction motors, and progressing to low- and high- performance drive systems. The book will be rich in useful information, without an excessive mathematical burden. Computer simulations resulting in mock oscillograms of physical quantities are used for illustration of basic control concepts.
The content of this book...
This book is a comprehensive reference source for practicing engineers and students specializing in electric power engineering and industrial electron...
The Field Orientation Principle was fIrst formulated by Haase, in 1968, and Blaschke, in 1970. At that time, their ideas seemed impractical because of the insufficient means of implementation. However, in the early eighties, technological advances in static power converters and microprocessor-based control systems made the high-performance a. c. drive systems fully feasible. Since then, hundreds of papers dealing with various aspects of the Field Orientation Principle have appeared every year in the technical literature, and numerous commercial high-performance a. c. drives based on this...
The Field Orientation Principle was fIrst formulated by Haase, in 1968, and Blaschke, in 1970. At that time, their ideas seemed impractical because of...
Provides comprehensive coverage of the basic principles and methods of electric power conversion and the latest developments in the field
This book constitutes a comprehensive overview of the modern power electronics. Various semiconductor power switches are described, complementary components and systems are presented, and power electronic converters that process power for a variety of applications are explained in detail. This third edition updates all chapters, including new concepts in modern power electronics. New to this edition is extended coverage of matrix...
Provides comprehensive coverage of the basic principles and methods of electric power conversion and the latest developments in the field <...