After all these years of thinking 69 was our lucky number, the perpetrators of's wildly popular "Position of the Day" have hand-picked 366 of their very best erotic scenarios into one gloriously chunky, deeply inspiring, and hilarious compendium. Yes, that's 366 - one for each day of the year plus a little something special for leap year Illustrated with anatomically correct drawn figures, the positions run the lusty gamut from plausible to creative to Honey, get my weight belt, this is going to require some heavy lifting For beginners and the acrobatically challenged, there are...
After all these years of thinking 69 was our lucky number, the perpetrators of's wildly popular "Position of the Day" have hand-picked 366 o...
Color your way around New York City with this coloring-book-meets-travel-journal featuring 30 expertly curated sites to learn about, color, and record so you can experience the city whether you’re already there, planning a trip, or dreaming about your next adventure. Grab your pen and colored pencils—and get ready to travel the world! Whether your flights are booked or you’ll only be traveling in your mind, New York City takes you on an interactive, colorful tour of the metropolis. This travel journal features 30 sites within the city to discover—from the bucket-list worthy...
Color your way around New York City with this coloring-book-meets-travel-journal featuring 30 expertly curated sites to learn about, color, and record...
Color your way around Paris with this coloring-book-meets-travel-journal featuring 30 expertly curated sites to learn about, color, and record so you can experience the city whether you’re already there, planning a trip, or dreaming about your next adventure. Grab your pen and colored pencils—and get ready to travel the world! Whether your flights are booked or you’ll only be traveling in your mind, Paris takes you on an interactive, colorful tour of France’s capital city. This travel journal features 30 Parisian sites to discover—from the bucket-list worthy must-sees like the...
Color your way around Paris with this coloring-book-meets-travel-journal featuring 30 expertly curated sites to learn about, color, and record so you ...