The 1997 Les Houches workshop on "Dynamical Network in Physics and Biology" was the third in a series of meetings "At the Frontier between Physics and Biology". Our objective with these workshops is to create a truly interdisciplinary forum for researchers working on outstanding problems in biology, but using different approaches (physical, chemical or biological). Generally speaking, the biologists are trained in the particular and motivated by the specifics, while, in contrast, the physicists deal with generic and "universal" models. All agree about the necessity of developing "robust"...
The 1997 Les Houches workshop on "Dynamical Network in Physics and Biology" was the third in a series of meetings "At the Frontier between Physics and...
This book discusses the geometrical aspects of Kaluza-Klein theories. The ten chapters cover topics from the differential and Riemannian manifolds to the reduction of Einstein-Yang-Mills action. It would definitely prove interesting reading to physicists and mathematicians, theoretical and experimental.
This book discusses the geometrical aspects of Kaluza-Klein theories. The ten chapters cover topics from the differential and Riemannian manifolds to ...