For the better part of fifty years, the powerful German army of World War II has been seen as an organization of consummate skill and honor, one that had little in common with the criminal policies and ideology of the Nazi regime. Fascinating and unforgettable, " The German Army and Genocide" explodes that myth. Through newly discovered documents and hundreds of astonishing photographs culled from archives all across Europe, "The German Army and Genocide" reveals that the nearly twenty million soldiers who passed through the feared Wehrmacht (the German army) were subjected to a massive...
For the better part of fifty years, the powerful German army of World War II has been seen as an organization of consummate skill and honor, one th...
Level-UP to Professional, is the fun and inspirational blueprint to help young professionals enjoy more success at business, work and life. This is a book that simultaneously guides, educates and motivates. Level-UP incorporates important recommendations, insights, tips and techniques. While the book was written to help young professionals - it can also be appreciated by older adults, as well. After all, everyone can have a greater knowledge, empathy and understanding of what it takes to be genuinely professional. But Level-UP will do more than help you be a better professional: it will...
Level-UP to Professional, is the fun and inspirational blueprint to help young professionals enjoy more success at business, work and life. This is a ...
It's the fourth Wednesday of November, and Patrick Guthrie is giving thanks. He's giving thanks that his eight-year-old son, Braden, will finally have a procedure on his heart that will cure him of the same life-threatening condition that took Patrick's wife several years earlier. But when Patrick suddenly loses his job teaching drama at a New York City high school, his already desperate financial situation becomes dire. Rebecca Brody, a social worker, shows up at his door with a judge's order for him to appear before the city's family court to determine if Patrick is financially fit, and...
It's the fourth Wednesday of November, and Patrick Guthrie is giving thanks. He's giving thanks that his eight-year-old son, Braden, will finally have...
In 2008 the authors published, in Belgrade, Vampiri & Razumni recnik, which is now published in English as Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary. Vampires is Radakovic's fictionalized account of a Serb living in Cologne, Germany while his former country disintegrates. He travels in the American West, ostensibly looking for the vampires causing chaos in his own country, and then returns to Europe, having found no vampires. It is a dark text, a story of destruction told in a narrative that refuses all the solaces narrative has traditionally afforded. A Reasonable Dictionary is Abbott's personally...
In 2008 the authors published, in Belgrade, Vampiri & Razumni recnik, which is now published in English as Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary. Vampire...