Overview At the beginning of 1999, Springer-Verlag published the book Open Geo- try OpenGL +Advanced Geometry. There, the authors Georg Glaeser and Hellmuth Stachel presented a comprehensive library of geometric me- odsbasedonOpenGLroutines.AnaccompanyingCD-ROMprovidedthesource code and many sample ?les. Many diverse topics are covered in this book. The theoretical background is carefully explained, and many examples are given. Since the publication of Open Geometry, the source code has been improved andmanyadditionalfeatureshavebeenaddedtotheprogram.Contributorsfrom...
Overview At the beginning of 1999, Springer-Verlag published the book Open Geo- try OpenGL +Advanced Geometry. There, the authors Georg Glaeser and He...
With many examples and numerous photos, this book explains important geometrical terms and concepts such as multi-view projection and 3D projection, curve bends and surface cambering, the geometry of movement and non-Euclidian space.
With many examples and numerous photos, this book explains important geometrical terms and concepts such as multi-view projection and 3D projection, c...
This book is about graphics programming based on OPENGL. The program ming language is C++. The programs will run under various operating systems, among them WINDOWS 9x, ALPHA-STATIONS (Digital workstations) and SILI CON GRAPHICS workstations. Hardware is used if accessible. The book provides a graphics library. This library is based on OPENGL and expands the elemen tary routines. Thus, the reader is enabled to realize direct geometrical thinking without having to care much about implementation. The enclosed modules provide the reader with solutions for: The most common intersection problems...
This book is about graphics programming based on OPENGL. The program ming language is C++. The programs will run under various operating systems, amon...
The book offers 180 pages of spectacular photos and unusual views and insights. Learn to see the world with different eyes and be prepared for many surprises and new facts. The photos give rise to questions that are carefully explained with mathematics.
The book offers 180 pages of spectacular photos and unusual views and insights. Learn to see the world with different eyes and be prepared for many...
Wie sieht eine Kurve aus, die die ganze Ebene oder den Raum vollstandig ausfullt? Kann man einen Polyeder flexibel bewegen, ja sogar umstulpen? Was ist die projektive Ebene oder der vierdimensionale Raum? Gibt es Seifenblasen, diekeine runden Kugel sind? Wie kann man die komplizierte Struktur von Stromungen besser verstehen?
In diesem Buch erleben Sie die Mathematik von ihrer anschaulichen Seite und finden faszinierende und bisher nie gesehene Bilder, die Ihnen illustrative Antworten zu all diesen Fragestellungen geben. Zu allen Bildern gibt es kurze Erklarungstexte, viele...
Wie sieht eine Kurve aus, die die ganze Ebene oder den Raum vollstandig ausfullt? Kann man einen Polyeder flexibel bewegen, ja sogar umstulpen? Was...
This Handbook fills the gaps of Open Geometry by explaining new methods, techniques and various examples. One its main strengths is that it enables the reader to learn about Open Geometry by working through examples. In addition, it includes a complete compendium of all the Open Geometry classes and their methods. Open Geometry will be of great attraction to those who want to start graphics programming.
This Handbook fills the gaps of Open Geometry by explaining new methods, techniques and various examples. One its main strengths is that it enables th...
This text presents the classical theory of conics in a modern form. It includes many novel results that are not easily accessible elsewhere. The approach combines synthetic and analytic methods to derive projective, affine and metrical properties, covering both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries.
With more than two thousand years of history, conic sections play a fundamental role in numerous fields of mathematics and physics, with applications to mechanical engineering, architecture, astronomy, design and computer graphics.
This text will be invaluable to undergraduate...
This text presents the classical theory of conics in a modern form. It includes many novel results that are not easily accessible elsewhere. The ap...
With fascinating, spectacularly beautiful images, the book piques readers curiosity about the diversity of visual organs. This book is the result of a dual approach scientific as well as aesthetic. The compelling images are accompanied by an easy-to-read, understandable text, aimed at both scientists and the educated public, and generally anyone interested in the beauty of nature. Thanks to this combination, the book presents the staggering diversity of eyes in the animal kingdom and provides countless insights into the intriguing mechanisms at work from simple pigment cups to...
With fascinating, spectacularly beautiful images, the book piques readers curiosity about the diversity of visual organs. This book is the result o...
Dieser Band nimmt sie mit auf eine spannende Reise in Bildern und Texten. Spektakulare, groformatige Fotos auf Doppelseiten mit einem Erklarungstext machen die Leser neugierig auf das, was die Evolution im Bereich des Fliegens hervorgebracht hat: von der pflanzlichen Luftflotte (Pollenkorner, Flugsamen, ...) uber fliegende Schlangen und Fische, unter Wasser fliegende Pinguine bis zum Menschen, der sich in die Lufte erhebt. Das Buch kann in beliebiger Reihenfolge, Doppelseite fur Doppelseite, gelesen werden. Querverweise sorgen fur bequemes Umspringen auf andere Doppelseiten. Die Textpassagen...
Dieser Band nimmt sie mit auf eine spannende Reise in Bildern und Texten. Spektakulare, groformatige Fotos auf Doppelseiten mit einem Erklarungstext m...
With fascinating, spectacularly beautiful images, the book piques readers curiosity about the diversity of visual organs. This book is the result of a dual approach scientific as well as aesthetic. The compelling images are accompanied by an easy-to-read, understandable text, aimed at both scientists and the educated public, and generally anyone interested in the beauty of nature. Thanks to this combination, the book presents the staggering diversity of eyes in the animal kingdom and provides countless insights into the intriguing mechanisms at work from simple pigment cups to...
With fascinating, spectacularly beautiful images, the book piques readers curiosity about the diversity of visual organs. This book is the result o...