EDITORIAL REVIEW: This handsome Haggadah is the first of its kind to use photography to illustrate the annual book of prayers and traditions used in over 6 million Jewish households across America each year. World-famous photographer Zion Ozeri, a Manhattan resident raised in Israel, is acclaimed by organizations around the world for capturing, in some instances, the last Jewish communities in many countries. From India to Iran, he has traveled the world collecting these priceless portraits of a people united by tradition. To illuminate the Haggadah, the annual retelling of the Jewish...
EDITORIAL REVIEW: This handsome Haggadah is the first of its kind to use photography to illustrate the annual book of prayers and traditions used in o...
With just the right blend of text and commentary, the popular "A Family Haggadah," with updated text and new full-color art, is the haggadah of choice for families with young children to use at their seders. Hebrew prayers and songs include English translation and transliteration.
With just the right blend of text and commentary, the popular "A Family Haggadah," with updated text and new full-color art, is the haggadah of choice...