Access to science and technology worldwide is achieved by active participation in open international scientific research, as well as through technological capability that is decisive in catching up with world developments in science and technology. In other words, it is the "national system of innovation" which determines a country's assimilation capacity. The universities, research institutions, the technological infrastructure, industrial training schemes, information networks and technical institutions in general provide the foundation for a solid, steady development. Therefore policies...
Access to science and technology worldwide is achieved by active participation in open international scientific research, as well as through technolog...
Competition and cooperation between Japan, Europe and USA is the key issue of this book - both at government and business levels. Both short-term and long-termin competitive cooperation between Western and Japanese firms and institutions can be fruitful. Cooperation however, provides no easy solutions to problems which Western economies have been unable to solve on their own. Governments as well as companies are often unprepared for cooperation with Japan within the framework of larger-scale projects. On theother hand, Japan itself still lacks the leadership capacities to match its present...
Competition and cooperation between Japan, Europe and USA is the key issue of this book - both at government and business levels. Both short-term and ...
Mit dem Ende der Herrschaftsblocke verschwand auch die Dritte Welt, und die entstandene polyzentrische Konstellation gab den Weg fur einen zweiten Schub der Globalisierung frei. Parallel zu den westlichen Machtzentren und ihren Akteuren traten zunehmend asiatische und mittelostliche Akteure auf, die nun als Konkurrenten wie als Partner gleichermassen agieren. Dabei hangt die Fahigkeit, die Probleme der Weltgesellschaft und Weltwirtschaft zu losen, nicht nur von der Selbstorganisation ab, sondern auch von dem Willen zur Kooperation untereinander. Es gilt also, das Vernetzungspotential der...
Mit dem Ende der Herrschaftsblocke verschwand auch die Dritte Welt, und die entstandene polyzentrische Konstellation gab den Weg fur einen zweiten Sch...