Following developments in modern geometry, logic and physics, many scientists and philosophers in the modern era considered Kant's theory of intuition to be obsolete. But this only represents one side of the story concerning Kant, intuition and twentieth century science. Several prominent mathematicians and physicists were convinced that the formal tools of modern logic, set theory and the axiomatic method are not sufficient for providing mathematics and physics with satisfactory foundations. All of Hilbert, Godel, Poincare, Weyl and Bohr thought that intuition was an indispensable element...
Following developments in modern geometry, logic and physics, many scientists and philosophers in the modern era considered Kant's theory of intuit...
Following developments in modern geometry, logic and physics, many scientists and philosophers in the modern era considered Kant's theory of intuition to be obsolete. But this only represents one side of the story concerning Kant, intuition and twentieth century science. Several prominent mathematicians and physicists were convinced that the formal tools of modern logic, set theory and the axiomatic method are not sufficient for providing mathematics and physics with satisfactory foundations. All of Hilbert, Godel, Poincare, Weyl and Bohr thought that intuition was an indispensable element in...
Following developments in modern geometry, logic and physics, many scientists and philosophers in the modern era considered Kant's theory of intuition...
Das Ziel des auf drei Bände angelegten Werkes ist es, die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Naturphilosophie systematisch und problemorientiert in historischer Perspektive von der Antike bis ins 20. Jahrhundert darzustellen. Dabei geht es gerade nicht um eine nur geschichtliche Abhandlung. Es wird detailliert herausgearbeitet, (1.) wie um die Grundbegriffe und Prinzipien physikalischer Theorien gerungen wurde, (2.) welche Rolle das jeweils zur Verfügung stehende mathematische Instrumentarium für die Naturbeschreibung spielte, (3.) welche unterschiedlichen Methodenideale die Naturerkenntnis...
Das Ziel des auf drei Bände angelegten Werkes ist es, die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Naturphilosophie systematisch und problemorientiert in histo...