This book has arisen out of lectures I gave in recent years at the Uni versities of Munich and Regensburg, and it is intended to serve as a textbook for courses in the Philosophy of Language. In my lectures I was able to presuppose that the students had taken an introductory course in logic. Some knowledge of logic will also be helpful in studying this book - as it is almost everywhere else in philosophy -, especially in Section 3. 2, but it is no prerequisite. I would like to give my sincere thanks to Prof. Terrell for his excellent translation of the book, which is based on the second,...
This book has arisen out of lectures I gave in recent years at the Uni versities of Munich and Regensburg, and it is intended to serve as a textbook f...
Dieses Buch ist aus diesen Vorlesungen entstanden und wendet sichprimar an Studenten. Sein Ziel ist es, ihnen das Werk Freges zu erschlieen und sie zum Studium der Originaltexte anzuregen.
Dieses Buch ist aus diesen Vorlesungen entstanden und wendet sichprimar an Studenten. Sein Ziel ist es, ihnen das Werk Freges zu erschlieen und sie zu...