Michael D. Bordo Alan M. Taylor Jeffrey G. Williamson
As awareness of the process of globalization grows and the study of its effects becomes increasingly important to governments and businesses (as well as to a sizable opposition), the need for historical understanding also increases. Despite the importance of the topic, few attempts have been made to present a long-term economic analysis of the phenomenon, one that frames the issue by examining its place in the long history of international integration. This volume collects eleven papers doing exactly that and more. The first group of essays explores how the process of globalization can...
As awareness of the process of globalization grows and the study of its effects becomes increasingly important to governments and businesses (as well ...
This book presents an economic history of international capital mobility in the modern era. It blends narrative and quantitative methods and connects economic outcomes to the underlying political economy of international macroeconomics. The volume demonstrates that the recent globalization can be seen, in part, as the resumption of a liberal world order that had previously been established in the years 1880-1914, but also points out that much is different in terms of its causes and consequences.
This book presents an economic history of international capital mobility in the modern era. It blends narrative and quantitative methods and connects ...
The 15 essays in this volume apply the methods of the new economic history to the history of the Latin American economies since 1800. The authors combine the historian's sensitivity to context and contingency with modern or neoclassical economic theory and quantitative method.
The 15 essays in this volume apply the methods of the new economic history to the history of the Latin American economies since 1800. The authors comb...
The New Market Economies of Eastern Europe have been experiencing fundamental systemic changes over recent years. Nevertheless, the field of Economic Transformation is still in its infancy and some important policy questions have been neglected altogether. "The Economics of Transformation" addresses these deficiencies with coverage of theoretical and empirical issues and presents new results which challenge conventional wisdom. The book covers traditional topics such as price liberalization, privatization, and the reform of trade and financial markets. Political economy issues inform the...
The New Market Economies of Eastern Europe have been experiencing fundamental systemic changes over recent years. Nevertheless, the field of Economic ...
Developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field, Feenstra and Taylor s International Economics is a modern textbook for a modern audience, connecting theory to empirical evidence and expanding beyond the traditional focus on advanced companies to cover emerging markets and developing economies. Essentials of International Economics, Third Edition is the brief version of that textbook designed for a one-semester course covering both international trade and international macroeconomics.The new edition has been thoroughly updated, including the...
Developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field, Feenstra and Taylor s International Economics is a modern tex...