David M. Rosenberg Vincemt H. Resh Vincent H. Resh
Biomonitoring is a vital and rapidly growing field. Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinvertebrates presents a state-of-the-art look at the use of benthic macroinvertebrates (aquatic insects, molluscs, crustaceans, and worms) in the biological assessment of water quality in lakes and streams. The use of these organisms has increased dramatically in the past two decades in both North America and Europe; no other comprehensive overview of the topic is available. This book contains contributions from nineteen experts from North America, Europe, and Australia. Some chapters contain...
Biomonitoring is a vital and rapidly growing field. Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinvertebrates presents a state-of-the-art look at the us...
Vincent H. Resh Vincent H. Resh David M. Rosenberg
The internationally distinguished scientists contributing to this volume approach the subject from an ecological rather than taxonomic standpoint and present the basic biology of insects associated with streams, ponds, lakes, and marine habitats.
The internationally distinguished scientists contributing to this volume approach the subject from an ecological rather than taxonomic standpoint a...