This is the story of the largest Mexican-American community in the United States, the city within a city known as "East Los Angeles." How did this barrio of over one million men and women--occupying an area greater than Manhattan or Washington D.C.--come to be?
Although promoted early in this century as a workers' paradise, Los Angeles fared poorly in attracting European immigrants and American blue-collar workers. Wages were low, and these workers were understandably reluctant to come to a city which was also troubled by labor strife. Mexicans made up the difference, arriving in the...
This is the story of the largest Mexican-American community in the United States, the city within a city known as "East Los Angeles." How did this ...
Liliana Wilson s art of resistance and protest, dissidence and dreams, consistently calls attention to injustice. Wilson belongs to a group of Chilean artists who were intimately shaped by the political turmoil and repression in Chile in the 1970s and 1980s and who have become self-exiled artists working outside of Chile but who are still tied to the political period and to its issues and concerns. From a working class family that struggled financially, Wilson nonetheless was able to study law, which facilitated her successful immigration to the United States in 1977. She moved to Texas and...
Liliana Wilson s art of resistance and protest, dissidence and dreams, consistently calls attention to injustice. Wilson belongs to a group of Chilean...