One of the exciting aspects of being involved in the field of molecular biology is the ever-accelerating rate of progress, both in the development of new methodologies and the practical applications of these methodologies. This popular textbook has been completely revised and updated to provide a comprehensive overview and to reflect key developments in this rapidly expanding area.
Chapters on the impact of molecular biology in the development of biotechnology have been fully updated and include the applications of molecular biology in the areas of diagnostics, biosensors and...
One of the exciting aspects of being involved in the field of molecular biology is the ever-accelerating rate of progress, both in the development ...
The first volume in this Methods Molecular Biology series, Proteins (1984), concentrated on basic techniques for the analysis and purification of peptides and proteins. As the series developed, more specialized volumes on proteins were introduced, such as those on Immunochemical Protocols (vol. 10), Practical Protein Chro- tography (vol. 11), Analysis Glycoprotein Biomedicine (vol. 14), Protein-DNA Interactions (vol. 30), Biomembrane Protocols (vols. 19 and 27), Analyses and Methods (vol. 17), and Optical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Macroscopic Techniques (vol. 22). Further specialist...
The first volume in this Methods Molecular Biology series, Proteins (1984), concentrated on basic techniques for the analysis and purification of pept...
For many years I performed tissue culture in large scientific insti- tions that had a great deal of infrastructure. When I set up a tissue l- oratory outside such an infrastructure, however, I found there was a shortage of easily accessible information about the basic needs, reagents, and techniques for establishing such a facility. Much had to be done by trial and error or gleaned from originalpapers. Consequently, I felt that a methods book covering a wide variety of techniques from basic culture to the most sophisticated cell analysis would be a very valuable addition to the scientific...
For many years I performed tissue culture in large scientific insti- tions that had a great deal of infrastructure. When I set up a tissue l- oratory ...
Jeffrey W. Pollard Jeffrey W. Pollard John M. Walker
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture continues the high standards of Humana's Methods in Molecular Biology series. Its step-by-step approach (a hallmark of the series) is applied to a wide range of basic laboratory techniques and culture conditions appropriate to plant cells.
Because of the diversity of cell types, species, and culture methods, much of this volume is devoted to the culture of particular cell types and to the regeneration of these cells into whole plants. Special attention is also given to the genetic modification of plants, as well as to the economic significance of plant...
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture continues the high standards of Humana's Methods in Molecular Biology series. Its step-by-step approach (a hallmark of t...
Inrecent years therehasbeen atremendousincreaseinour understandingofthe functioningofthe cellat the molecular leveL This has been achieved in the main by the invention and developmentof new methodology, particularlyin that area generally referred to as "genetic engineering. " Al though this revolution has been taking place in the field of nucleic acids research, the protein chemist has at the same timedevelopedfresh methodologytokeeppace with the re quirements ofpresent-daymolecularbiology. Today's mo lecularbiologistscannolongerbecontentwithbeingexperts inoneparticulararea alone....
Inrecent years therehasbeen atremendousincreaseinour understandingofthe functioningofthe cellat the molecular leveL This has been achieved in the main...
The first volume in this Methods Molecular Biology series, Proteins (1984), concentrated on basic techniques for the analysis and purification of peptides and proteins. As the series developed, more specialized volumes on proteins were introduced, such as those on Immunochemical Protocols (vol. 10), Practical Protein Chro- tography (vol. 11), Analysis Glycoprotein Biomedicine (vol. 14), Protein-DNA Interactions (vol. 30), Biomembrane Protocols (vols. 19 and 27), Analyses and Methods (vol. 17), and Optical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Macroscopic Techniques (vol. 22). Further specialist...
The first volume in this Methods Molecular Biology series, Proteins (1984), concentrated on basic techniques for the analysis and purification of pept...
Inrecent years therehasbeen atremendousincreaseinour understandingofthe functioningofthe cellat the molecular leveL This has been achieved in the main by the invention and developmentof new methodology, particularlyin that area generally referred to as "genetic engineering. " Al- though this revolution has been taking place in the field of nucleic acids research, the protein chemist has at the same timedevelopedfresh methodologytokeeppace with the re- quirements ofpresent-daymolecularbiology. Today's mo- lecularbiologistscannolongerbecontentwithbeingexperts inoneparticulararea alone....
Inrecent years therehasbeen atremendousincreaseinour understandingofthe functioningofthe cellat the molecular leveL This has been achieved in the main...
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture continues the high standards of Humana's Methods in Molecular Biology series. Its step-by-step approach (a hallmark of the series) is applied to a wide range of basic laboratory techniques and culture conditions appropriate to plant cells.
Because of the diversity of cell types, species, and culture methods, much of this volume is devoted to the culture of particular cell types and to the regeneration of these cells into whole plants. Special attention is also given to the genetic modification of plants, as well as to the economic significance of plant...
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture continues the high standards of Humana's Methods in Molecular Biology series. Its step-by-step approach (a hallmark of t...
This book aims to describe the current state of knowledge and possible future developments in a number of major areas of research into the nature, causes and treatment of cancer. The contributing authors have been encouraged to discuss their subjects at the molecular level. It will become apparent to the reader that considerable developments in the understanding of the fundamental nature of cancer, in molecular terms, are constantly being made. This is particularly the case in the area of oncogene research where differences between tumour and normal cells can now be defined in terms of...
This book aims to describe the current state of knowledge and possible future developments in a number of major areas of research into the nature, cau...