Our motivation for writing this book is twofold: First, the theory of waves propagating in randomly layered media has been studied extensively during the last thirty years but the results are scattered in many di?erent papers. This theory is now in a mature state, especially in the very interesting regime of separation of scales as introduced by G. Papanicolaou and his coauthors and described in 8], which is a building block for this book. Second, we were motivatedbythe time-reversalexperimentsofM. Finkandhis groupinParis. They were done with ultrasonic waves and have attracted considerable...
Our motivation for writing this book is twofold: First, the theory of waves propagating in randomly layered media has been studied extensively during ...
Jean-Pierre Fouque George Papanicolaou K. Ronnie Sircar
This important work addresses problems in financial mathematics of pricing and hedging derivative securities in an environment of uncertain and changing market volatility. These problems are important to investors from large trading institutions to pension funds. The authors present mathematical and statistical tools that exploit the volatile nature of the market. The mathematics is introduced through examples and illustrated with simulations and the modeling approach that is described is validated and tested on market data. The material is suitable for a one-semester course for graduate...
This important work addresses problems in financial mathematics of pricing and hedging derivative securities in an environment of uncertain and changi...
Jean-Pierre Fouque George Papanicolaou Ronnie Sircar
Building upon the ideas introduced in their previous book, Derivatives in Financial Markets with Stochastic Volatility, the authors study the pricing and hedging of financial derivatives under stochastic volatility in equity, interest-rate, and credit markets. They present and analyze multiscale stochastic volatility models and asymptotic approximations. These can be used in equity markets, for instance, to link the prices of path-dependent exotic instruments to market implied volatilities. The methods are also used for interest rate and credit derivatives. Other applications considered...
Building upon the ideas introduced in their previous book, Derivatives in Financial Markets with Stochastic Volatility, the authors study the pricing ...
Inverse problems in wave propagation concern extraction of information about distant structural features from the measurements of scattered waves. Tasks of this nature arise in geophysics, ocean acoustics, civil and environmental engineering, ultrasonic nondestructive testing, biomedical ultrasonics, radar, astrophysics, and other areas of science and technology. The papers in this volume represent most of these scientific and technical topics, together with fundamental mathematical investigations of the relation between waves and scatterers.
Inverse problems in wave propagation concern extraction of information about distant structural features from the measurements of scattered waves. Tas...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications RANDOM MEDIA represents the proceedings of a workshop which was an integral part of the 1984-85 IMA program on STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS We are grateful to the Scientific Committee: Daniel Stroock (Chairman) ende 11 Fl emi ng Theodore Harris Pierre-Louis Lions Steven Orey George Papanicolaou for planning and implementing an exciting and stimulating year-long program. We especi ally thank George Papani col aOIJ for organi zi ng a workshop which produced fruitful interactions between mathematicians and...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications RANDOM MEDIA represents the proceedings of a workshop which was an integral part of the 1984-85 IM...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications HYDRODYNAMIC BEHAVIOR AND INTERACTING PARTICLE SYSTEMS is in part the proceedings of a workshop which was an integral part of the 1985-86 IMA program on STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. We are grateful to the Scientific Committee: Daniel Stroock (Chairman) Wendell Fleming Theodore Harris Pierre-Louis Lions Steven Orey George Papanicolaou for planning and implementing an exciting and stimulating year-long program. We especially thank the Program Organizer, George Papanicolaou for orga nizing a workshop which brought...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications HYDRODYNAMIC BEHAVIOR AND INTERACTING PARTICLE SYSTEMS is in part the proceedings of a workshop wh...