Researchers conducted an inventory that focused on expanding knowledge of at-risk small mammal species identified during prior natural heritage inventory work. The areas of concern were those parts of the A.T. corridor in Maine that includes the western mountains and central highland regions. The primary objective of the inventory was to determine whether each target species was present along the designated section of the A.T. We attempted to sample and identify the presence of as many species as possible with the goal of sampling those mammal species considered rare and high priority by...
Researchers conducted an inventory that focused on expanding knowledge of at-risk small mammal species identified during prior natural heritage invent...
This volume presents thirteen original essays which explore both traditional and contemporary aspects of the metaphysics of relations. It is uncontroversial that there are true relational predications-'Abelard loves Eloise', 'Simmias is taller than Socrates', 'smoking causes cancer', and so forth. More controversial is whether any true relational predications have irreducibly relational truthmakers. Do any of the statements above involve their subjects jointly instantiating polyadic properties, or can we explain their truths solely in terms of monadic, non-relational properties of the relata?...
This volume presents thirteen original essays which explore both traditional and contemporary aspects of the metaphysics of relations. It is uncontrov...