Following upon the Handbook of Japan-United States Environment-Behavior Research, published by Plenum in 1997, leading experts review the interrelationships among theory, problem, and method in environment-behavior research. The chapters focus on the philosophical and theoretical assumptions underlying current research and practice in the area and link those assumptions to specific substantive questions and methodologies
Following upon the Handbook of Japan-United States Environment-Behavior Research, published by Plenum in 1997, leading experts review the int...
Jens Hiriis Nielsen Jack Demick Carrie Andreoletti
This volume is an outgrowth ofcontemporary research on development over the adult lifespan, which by now has burgeoned and developed both nationally and internationally. However, for us, the impetus to be involved in this area was spawned and nurtured by our initial association with the Society for Research in Adult Development (SRAD) with its origins some 15 years ago by Michael Commonsand his associates inCambridge, Massachusetts. Throughthegood will and support of this society, we also became, and are still, heavily involved with the Journal of Adult Development and the Kluwer-Plenum...
This volume is an outgrowth ofcontemporary research on development over the adult lifespan, which by now has burgeoned and developed both nationally a...
Originally presented at the Sixth Adult Development Symposium, the papers in this volume examine possible relationships between the fields of organizational and (adult) developmental psychology with particular emphasis given to the grand developmental theories of Lawrence Kohlberg, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Heinz Werner, and their descendants. On the most general level, the papers on development in the workplace are organized on the basis of the authors' chosen units of analysis -- the individual, the dyad and group, and the organizational culture.
The editors conclude by uncovering...
Originally presented at the Sixth Adult Development Symposium, the papers in this volume examine possible relationships between the fields of organiza...
This volume is one of the first to concentrate on positive growth and development in a clinical arena, rather than loss and pathology. In contrast to the general theories and cross-sectional studies of existing adult developmental research, much of this volume looks at the whole-life level of development of adults through case studies. The book unites three compatible approaches to the study of adult development. The first considers the development of whole life. The second approach examines behavior during certain periods in adults' lives by combining clinical and developmental stage...
This volume is one of the first to concentrate on positive growth and development in a clinical arena, rather than loss and pathology. In contrast ...
This volume is one of the first to concentrate on positive growth and development in a clinical arena, rather than loss and pathology. In contrast to the general theories and cross-sectional studies of existing adult developmental research, much of this volume looks at the whole-life level of development of adults through case studies. The book unites three compatible approaches to the study of adult development. The first considers the development of whole life. The second approach examines behavior during certain periods in adults' lives by combining clinical and developmental stage...
This volume is one of the first to concentrate on positive growth and development in a clinical arena, rather than loss and pathology. In contrast to ...
This volume is an outgrowth of research on the relations between human beings and their environments, which has developed internationally. This development is evident in environment-behavior research studies conducted in countries other than the United States. See Stokols and Altman (1987) for examples of such work in Australia, Japan, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United King dom, the former Soviet Union, and Latin and North America. The international development of this research area is also evident in the establishment of profes sional organizations in different countries...
This volume is an outgrowth of research on the relations between human beings and their environments, which has developed internationally. This develo...
This volume is an outgrowth ofcontemporary research on development over the adult lifespan, which by now has burgeoned and developed both nationally and internationally. However, for us, the impetus to be involved in this area was spawned and nurtured by our initial association with the Society for Research in Adult Development (SRAD) with its origins some 15 years ago by Michael Commonsand his associates inCambridge, Massachusetts. Throughthegood will and support of this society, we also became, and are still, heavily involved with the Journal of Adult Development and the Kluwer-Plenum...
This volume is an outgrowth ofcontemporary research on development over the adult lifespan, which by now has burgeoned and developed both nationally a...
Following upon the Handbook of Japan-United States Environment-Behavior Research, published by Plenum in 1997, leading experts review the interrelationships among theory, problem, and method in environment-behavior research. The chapters focus on the philosophical and theoretical assumptions underlying current research and practice in the area and link those assumptions to specific substantive questions and methodologies
Following upon the Handbook of Japan-United States Environment-Behavior Research, published by Plenum in 1997, leading experts review the int...
This volume is an outgrowth of research on the relations between human beings and their environments, which has developed internationally. This development is evident in environment-behavior research studies conducted in countries other than the United States. See Stokols and Altman (1987) for examples of such work in Australia, Japan, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United King- dom, the former Soviet Union, and Latin and North America. The international development of this research area is also evident in the establishment of profes- sional organizations in different countries...
This volume is an outgrowth of research on the relations between human beings and their environments, which has developed internationally. This develo...
The papers presented in this volume seek to illuminate relationships among the cognitive style of field dependence- independence and biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of human functioning across the life span. The book begins by addressing fundamental issues concerning the role of cognitive style in human development. The remainder of the text treats cognitive style in relation to biological, psychological, and sociocultural functioning. Also included is a summary of directions for future research.
The papers presented in this volume seek to illuminate relationships among the cognitive style of field dependence- independence and biological, psych...