The Law Department was one of two departments that opened for classes in the fall of 1874 in the newly-founded Vanderbilt University. The operation of the institution in the nineteenth century was governed by a quasi-proprietary model, which was abandoned in 1900, when the University made the school a more integral part of the academic enterprise.
The first half of the twentieth century was a struggle for survival. The School faced a number of obstacles, including the educational and cultural headwinds that all Southern educational institutions faced, limited resources, and a University...
The Law Department was one of two departments that opened for classes in the fall of 1874 in the newly-founded Vanderbilt University. The operation of...
Poetry. DELIBERATIONS is a master statement by one of the definitive voices of the American Great Plains. Highly polished, deeply felt, these poems are the harvest of a life lived close to the marrow.
Poetry. DELIBERATIONS is a master statement by one of the definitive voices of the American Great Plains. Highly polished, deeply felt, these poems ar...
The senior poet of Nebraska and the Great Plains, Don Welch may sardonically regard himself as the ""shriveled old man"" who both explores the Plains' interiors and, by writing about them, becomes the protector of the earth's treasures. The gnomes in this collection are beautiful little crystals of verse, reminiscent of the brevity of ancient Chinese poetry.
The senior poet of Nebraska and the Great Plains, Don Welch may sardonically regard himself as the ""shriveled old man"" who both explores the Plains'...