James Strong John R., III Kohlenberger James A. Swanson
The time-honored concordance now improved with large, readable type. As with the first Strongest Strong's, this edition is written with unprecedented accuracy and clarity by John Kohlenberger and James Swanson. Longstanding errors from the original have been corrected and omissions filled in. Word studies have been simplified and special care has been taken to maximize the thoroughness and ease of use. Special features include: - Computer-verified accuracy - Strong's numbering system for word studies in Greek and Hebrew - Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers in the dictionary indexes that correspond...
The time-honored concordance now improved with large, readable type. As with the first Strongest Strong's, this edition is written with unprecedented ...
A multi-purpose Bible study resource tool. All the essentials you need to study the biblical text without having to know Hebrew or Greek. Provides definition, explanation, and concordance entries.
Dr. James Strong, formerly professor of exegetical theology at Drew Theological Seminary, spent more than thirty-five years preparing his landmark concordance. First published in 1890 with the help of more than one hundred colleagues, Strong's remains the definitive concordance compiled on the King James Version of the Bible.
W. E. Vine, M.A. (1873-1949) was a classical scholar,...
A multi-purpose Bible study resource tool. All the essentials you need to study the biblical text without having to know Hebrew or Greek. Provides ...
Look no further. The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is a concordance you can trust. There's a reason Strong's has continued to be the standard and most highly-regarded Bible concordance of millions for over a century; it is a rich and invaluable resource for students, scholars, pastors, and laypersons desiring an advanced, in-depth study of the Bible. It indexes every word in the King James Version, unpacks original Greek and Hebrew words, and proves itself an indispensable reference classic. The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is a convenient handbook...
Look no further. The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is a concordance you can trust. There's a reason Strong's has continued ...
La Concordancia Strong ha sido la preferida de pastores, eruditos y estudiantes biblicos de habla inglesa durante mas de un siglo. Editorial Caribe se complace en presentarla en castellano. A traves de ella uno puede no solo encontrar el versiculo en que aparece la palabra que busca, sino tambien saber cual fue la palabra hebrea o griega que asi se tradujo y los diversos significados de la misma en su uso original.
La Concordancia Strong ha sido la preferida de pastores, eruditos y estudiantes biblicos de habla inglesa durante mas de un siglo. Editorial Caribe se...
This new edition is unique in that it provides a concise look at one of the finest resources available for Bible study and research. "Strong's Concordance" has been a basic tool for researching specific words and topics for over 100 years.
This new edition is unique in that it provides a concise look at one of the finest resources available for Bible study and research. "Strong's Concord...
If you want the essentials of Strong's scholarship in a convenient compact size, this is the concordance for you. The New Strong's(R) Concise Concordance of the Bible helps you locate the references you need quickly and easily. A trustworthy concordance that won't slow you down.
Over 150,000 units sold
If you want the essentials of Strong's scholarship in a convenient compact size, this is the concordance for you. The New Strong's(R) Concise Co...
Get more mileage out of your Strong's Concordance with this English Word Index
Every one of the millions of users of Strong's Exhaustive Concordance can now multiply its usefulness and benefit from the exclusive English Word Index created by Thomas Nelson. A convenient addition to Bible study resources for pastors, scholars, students, and those who want to dig deeper in their personal Bible study, this index offers an easy-to-use format for doing word studies more efficiently and completely.
The New Strong's(R) Guide to Bible Words helps you get the full benefit of your...
Get more mileage out of your Strong's Concordance with this English Word Index
Every one of the millions of users of Strong's Exhaustive Con...
Si usted desea lo esencial de la erudicion de Strong en un tamano convenientemente compacto, esta es la concordancia que busca. La Nueva Concordancia de la Biblia Strong Concisa le ayuda a localizar las referencias que busca de una manera rapida y facil. Una concordancia confiable que ira a su ritmo.
Clara y facil de leer
Contiene definiciones breves y guias de pronunciacion para todos los nombres propios en el indice biblico.
Si usted desea lo esencial de la erudicion de Strong en un tamano convenientemente compacto, esta es la concordancia que busca. La Nueva Concord...