Public reporting has been used experimentally in federal-provincial relations since the mid-1990s as an accountability mechanism to promote policy effectiveness, intergovernmental cooperation, and democratic legitimacy. Our understanding of how well it is working, however, remains limited to very specific policy sectors - even though this information is essential to policy makers in Canada and beyond. Overpromising and Underperforming? offers a deeper analysis of the use of new accountability mechanisms, paying particular attention to areas in which federal spending power is...
Public reporting has been used experimentally in federal-provincial relations since the mid-1990s as an accountability mechanism to promote policy ...
Is Your STATUS QUO Draining Your Energy and Keeping You From Your Dreams? Are you feeling unfulfilled or restless? Does your life no longer feel like it "fits" who you are? Is it time to reinvent yourself and live in alignment with your true self? Take your first step by reading this heartwarming book by Julie Simmons and Andria Corso. The authors share their personal stories of how they reinvented themselves by recognizing and letting go of what no longer worked for them and, bit by bit, creating the lives they were truly meant to live. From starting businesses and leaving a marriage to...
Is Your STATUS QUO Draining Your Energy and Keeping You From Your Dreams? Are you feeling unfulfilled or restless? Does your life no longer feel like ...