So begins "Long Story Short," a collection of one hundred absorbing stories from clinical psychologist Dennis Upper's life. A vivid and thoughtful evocation of personal experiences, the tales in this engaging volume are long and short, funny and sad, trivial and profound.
From his first childhood memory to his last day at Yale, and from running the Boston Marathon to dealing with a patient's suicide, these absorbing narratives show how all the brief and important moments in life help us each to develop and grow.
The images, sensations, and stories...
""Nothing happens in a vacuum.""
So begins "Long Story Short," a collection of one hundred absorbing stories from clinical psychologist Dennis Uppe...
So begins "Long Story Short," a collection of one hundred absorbing stories from clinical psychologist Dennis Upper's life. A vivid and thoughtful evocation of personal experiences, the tales in this engaging volume are long and short, funny and sad, trivial and profound.
From his first childhood memory to his last day at Yale, and from running the Boston Marathon to dealing with a patient's suicide, these absorbing narratives show how all the brief and important moments in life help us each to develop and grow.
The images, sensations, and stories...
""Nothing happens in a vacuum.""
So begins "Long Story Short," a collection of one hundred absorbing stories from clinical psychologist Dennis Upper...
In 1977, the current editors contributed a review article on behavioral group therapy to a volume of Hersen, Miller, and Eisler's Progress in Behavior Modi fication series (1977). At that time we noted that, despite the advantages to both clinicians and clients of conducting behavioral treatments in groups, clinical developments and research in this area were still at a relatively rudimen tary level. The majority of studies in the behavioral group therapy literature we reviewed reported the direct transfer of an individual behavior therapy pro cedure, such as systematic desensitization, to a...
In 1977, the current editors contributed a review article on behavioral group therapy to a volume of Hersen, Miller, and Eisler's Progress in Behavior...