There was a time, not all that long ago, when scientific study of the cell was called cytology, and the workers in the field named themselves cytologists. When I was a medical student, lectures in cytology were a special, segregated part of the curriculum in the histology course, given along with general anatomy, and they were, as I recall, the surest of cures for insomnia. I still possess Cowdry's three-volume set entitled Special Cytology, published in 1934, and leafing through these books today is rather like examining a medieval manuscript. You could never have guessed what was going to...
There was a time, not all that long ago, when scientific study of the cell was called cytology, and the workers in the field named themselves cytologi...
During his fifteen years as chancellor, Dr. Ralph Snyderman helped create new paradigms for academic medicine while guiding the Duke University Medical Center through periods of great challenge and transformation. Under his leadership, the medical center became internationally known for its innovations in medicine, including the creation of the Duke University Health System--which became a model for integrated health care delivery--and the development of personalized health care based on a rational and compassionate model of care. In A Chancellor's Tale Snyderman reflects on his role...
During his fifteen years as chancellor, Dr. Ralph Snyderman helped create new paradigms for academic medicine while guiding the Duke University Medica...