This text progresses both the theory and practice of the concept of conditions of sustainability, by incorporating key elements of contemporary social theory into sustainability debates, both at a conceptual and practical level. The authors begin by considering why most current approaches to sustainable development have proved inadequate, arguing that most approaches concentrate on the definition and policing of various sustainability limits, and a more dynamic conception is necessary. Case study material, used for illustration and analysis throughout the book, focuses on the food system,...
This text progresses both the theory and practice of the concept of conditions of sustainability, by incorporating key elements of contemporary social...
"SAGEHandbooks set a standard amongst compendia for fields within the social sciences...The book is well produced and includes an excellent that will prove useful to graduate students..." --Paul B. Thompson, Michigan State University
"This book raises the theoretical level of rural studies to new heights...the Handbook of Rural Studies will likely become a key resource on the bookshelves of the next generation of graduate students." --Gary Paul Green, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"SAGEHandbooks set a standard amongst compendia for fields within the social sciences...The book is well produced and includes an e...
The volume presents a range of critical perspectives on the contemporary agri-food sector. The starting point is the recognition that geography matters in agri-food more than ever, and it plays a diverse range of roles in shaping production-consumption relations. With hindsight, it may be argued that the extensive rural sociological literature on the globalisation of food over the past twenty years has tended to over-emphasise the degree to which food products and processes have indeed been industrialised and standardised. But if diversity and variety have become increasingly significant in...
The volume presents a range of critical perspectives on the contemporary agri-food sector. The starting point is the recognition that geography matter...
As the first book in the Restructuring Rural Areas series, Constructing the countryside presents a new methodological approach to the analysis of rural change. The authors seek to link wider developments in the global political economy to the behaviour of local actors and, in so doing, they place research into rural studies much more firmly than hitherto in the mainstream of social science enquiry. The outcome is a book that promotes a truly interdisciplinary approach through which the constant reconstruction of the countryside can be properly understood. This holistic perspective, sustained...
As the first book in the Restructuring Rural Areas series, Constructing the countryside presents a new methodological approach to the analysis of rura...
Combining theory, research and policy Consuming Interests provides a topical interdisciplinary exploration into the nature of food provision, policy and regulation. The book provides a detailed examination of corporate retailers, state agencies and consumer organisations involved in the food sector. The analysis explores questions including: * what can the public expect from the state * what limits are there on state action * what are the most appropriate balances between public and private interests in the provision of 'quality' foods.
Combining theory, research and policy Consuming Interests provides a topical interdisciplinary exploration into the nature of food provision,...
Combining theory, research and policy Consuming Interests provides a topical interdisciplinary exploration into the nature of food provision, policy and regulation. The book provides a detailed examination of corporate retailers, state agencies and consumer organisations involved in the food sector. The analysis explores questions including: * what can the public expect from the state * what limits are there on state action * what are the most appropriate balances between public and private interests in the provision of 'quality' foods.
Combining theory, research and policy Consuming Interests provides a topical interdisciplinary exploration into the nature of food provision,...
In response to the challenges of a growing population and food security, there is an urgent need to construct a new agri-food sustainability paradigm. This book brings together an integrated range of key social science insights exploring the contributions and interventions necessary to build this framework. Building on over ten years of ESRC funded theoretical and empirical research centered at BRASS, it focuses upon the key social, economic and political drivers for creating a more sustainable food system.
Themes include:
regulation and governance
sustainable supply...
In response to the challenges of a growing population and food security, there is an urgent need to construct a new agri-food sustainability paradi...
Terry Marsden David Goodman Michael K., Professor Goodman
The agri-food and rural development world has experienced significant changes in recent years. The evolution towards globalized and highly complex food supply systems has been accompanied by growing competition, reduced state subsidies as well as concerns about quality, output and the environment. At the beginning of the 21st century, the agri-food industry is urgently searching for new solutions.
Exploring these recent developments, Agri-Food and Rural Development highlights the latest research on understanding and promoting sustainable food systems. Featuring a range of...
The agri-food and rural development world has experienced significant changes in recent years. The evolution towards globalized and highly complex ...
The agri-food and rural development world has experienced significant changes in recent years. The evolution towards globalized and highly complex food supply systems has been accompanied by growing competition, reduced state subsidies as well as concerns about quality, output and the environment. At the beginning of the 21st century, the agri-food industry is urgently searching for new solutions.
Exploring these recent developments, Agri-Food and Rural Development highlights the latest research on understanding and promoting sustainable food systems. Featuring a range of...
The agri-food and rural development world has experienced significant changes in recent years. The evolution towards globalized and highly complex ...
An ambitious retrospective and prospective overview of the field that aims to position Nature, the environment and natural processes, at the heart of interdisciplinary social sciences.
An ambitious retrospective and prospective overview of the field that aims to position Nature, the environment and natural processes, at the heart of ...