"Interactive Corporate Compliance"] is a creative contribution to the generally moribund business regulation literature. It makes compelling reading. American Business Journal, Winter 1990
This book describes a new approach to business-government interactions while giving business and government officials a new set of practical proposals for change. Throughout U.S. history, the relationship between business and government has fluctuated constantly under the influence of changing political conditions, rather than in response to a conscious design. The proper relationship between...
"Interactive Corporate Compliance"] is a creative contribution to the generally moribund business regulation literature. It makes compelling readi...
The unprecedented mass movement of populations since World War II has increased tensions among groups of people by breaking down the homogeneity of older countries and increasing the fragility of newly independent states encompassing several minorities within their borders. These changes, according to author Jay Sigler, dictate the necessity of clarifying human and minority rights. He highlights the main points of minority rights, traces their history, and demonstrates their distinctly modern features. Sigler considers the theoretical implications of minority versus individual and...
The unprecedented mass movement of populations since World War II has increased tensions among groups of people by breaking down the homogeneity of...
Although race relations in countries such as the United States and South Africa have been extensively investigated, the growing importance of the issue worldwide is not generally appreciated, and no workable framework for research on the subject has been available to scholars. This new study creates such a framework and increases our understanding of the meaning and significance of race throughout the world. Written by a group of experts with firsthand knowledge of race relations in the twenty nations studied, it offers a depth and scope of information that is unique in the literature of...
Although race relations in countries such as the United States and South Africa have been extensively investigated, the growing importance of the i...
As a follow-up to the editors' Interactive Corporate Compliance, this collection details efforts that have been made to resolve differences between business and government. It studies ways in which interactive compliance has worked, and provides the means to discuss problems that still remain and how they can be solved.
As a follow-up to the editors' Interactive Corporate Compliance, this collection details efforts that have been made to resolve differences between bu...