It is difficult to become an ecologist withou, t acquiring some breadth For example, we are expected to be competent statisticians and taxonomists who appreciate the importance of spatial and temporal processes, whilst recognising the potential offered by techniques such as RAPD. It is, therefore, with some trepidation that we offer a collection of potentially useful methods that will be unfamiliar, and possibly alien, to most ecologists. I don't feel old, but when I was undertaking my postgraduate research our lab calculator was mechanical. There was great excitement in my fmal year when we...
It is difficult to become an ecologist withou, t acquiring some breadth For example, we are expected to be competent statisticians and taxonomists who...
Upland Habitats presents a comprehensive illustrated guide to the habits wildlife and conservation of Britains last wilderness areas. These include: heather moors, sheep walk deer forest, blanket bogs, montane and sub-montane forests. The book examines the unique characteristics of uplands and the ecological processes and historical events that have shaped them since the end of the last glaciaton. Among the key conservation and management issues explored in are: * modern agricultural practices and economics * habitat degradation through overgrazing * commercial forest...
Upland Habitats presents a comprehensive illustrated guide to the habits wildlife and conservation of Britains last wilderness areas. These i...
Upland Habitats presents a comprehensive illustrated guide to the habits wildlife and conservation of Britains last wilderness areas. These include: heather moors, sheep walk deer forest, blanket bogs, montane and sub-montane forests. The book examines the unique characteristics of uplands and the ecological processes and historical events that have shaped them since the end of the last glaciaton. Among the key conservation and management issues explored in are: * modern agricultural practices and economics * habitat degradation through overgrazing * commercial forest...
Upland Habitats presents a comprehensive illustrated guide to the habits wildlife and conservation of Britains last wilderness areas. These i...