Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Networks approachs the existing framework for digital terrrestrial broadcasting, particularly the results of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference held in 2006. That conference established a new frequency plan for Europe, Africa and parts of Asia for digital terrestrial broadcasting. The book introduces the currently existing terrestrial broadcasting systems as well as the regulatory framework by which they can begin operating. Most importantly the book explains details of the GE06 Agreement, particularly Articles 4 and 5. It also discusses the...
Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Networks approachs the existing framework for digital terrrestrial broadcasting, particularly the results of the R...
Die aussergewohnlich grosse Bedeutung, welche die axiale Computertomo graphie in der Diagnostik der raumfordernden intracraniellen Prozesse innerhalb weniger Jahre erlangte, hat sich naturgemass auch auf die Neuro-Traumatologie ausgewirkt. So ist nicht nur das Ausmass traumati scher Hirnschaden in der Akutphase klarer zu beurteilen, sondern auch die Uberwachung der posttraumatischen Verlaufe ist um vieles exakter und sicherer geworden. Mit zunehmender Erfahrung haben sich aber auch differentialdiagnostische Probleme ergeben. Es ist deshalb zu begrussen, dass die Verfasser der vorliegenden...
Die aussergewohnlich grosse Bedeutung, welche die axiale Computertomo graphie in der Diagnostik der raumfordernden intracraniellen Prozesse innerhalb ...
The introduction of computed tomography in the diagnosis of pathological intracranial conditions has had considerable significance in cases of cranio cerebral injury. The decisive diagnostic advantage lies in the possibility of demonstrating both gross pathological change directly as well as secondary changes in normal brain structures. Computed tomography has proved its considerable worth, especially in evaluation of patients with craniocerebral injury and its sequelae. The capabilities of CT were quickly recognized and use of the technique spread rapidly. It is likely that CT will be...
The introduction of computed tomography in the diagnosis of pathological intracranial conditions has had considerable significance in cases of cranio ...