In the comparative physiology of photoreception by the Protista and the invertebrates two aspects are emphasized: (1) the diversity of visual processes in these groups and (2) their bearing upon general mechanisms of photoreception. Invertebrates have evolved a far greater variety of adaptations than vertebrates modifications aiding survival in the remarkably different biotopes they occupy. The number of species in itself suggests this multiformity; each of them has peculiarities of its own, in morphology as well as in physiology and behavior. But these special adaptations are variations on a...
In the comparative physiology of photoreception by the Protista and the invertebrates two aspects are emphasized: (1) the diversity of visual processe...
Volume VII, Part 6 brings to a conclusion the Handbook of Sensory Physiology, the publication of which has spanned 9 years. In the General Preface of Volume I it was stated that: "The purpose of this handbook is not encyclopedic completeness, nor the sort of brief summaries provided by periodic annual reviews. " The Editorial Board and the editors hope that this golden mean has been achieved: An absorbing, thorough, but nevertheless exemplary presentation should, with the aid of relevant examples, enable the reader to become accustomed with the numerous facets of the sensory system without...
Volume VII, Part 6 brings to a conclusion the Handbook of Sensory Physiology, the publication of which has spanned 9 years. In the General Preface of ...
When seen from an outsider's vantage point, the development of knowledge in the sensory sciences must appear massive and the result of some carefully followed master plan. In reality, it is the result of numerous relatively independent human endeavors shaped by application of the scientific method. The comprehensive construction of quantitative theories of sense organ function has occurred only recently -but at an explosive rate prefaced by centuries of expansion in the physical sciences. Predicated on this growth, the twentieth century may become known as the age of the biological sciences....
When seen from an outsider's vantage point, the development of knowledge in the sensory sciences must appear massive and the result of some carefully ...