Developments in Lisp technology have been accelerated by a number of factors, including the increased interest in Artificial Intelligence and the emergence of Common Lisp. Advanced Lisp Technology, the fourth volume in the Advanced Information Processing Technology series, brings together various Japanese researchers working in the field of Lisp technology and reflects the growing interest in parallel and distributed processing. The book is divided into four parts. The first examines Lisp systems design and implementation in a wide variety of parallel and distributed computing...
Developments in Lisp technology have been accelerated by a number of factors, including the increased interest in Artificial Intelligence and the emer...
PDSIA '99 was the fourth in a series of international workshops on parallel symbolic computing, a basic yet challenging area with wide applications in high-performance computing. As in the previous meetings, parallel symbolic languages and systems were the major topics. However, reflecting the latest advance, in distributed computing systems, the workshop also encompassed wider perspectives in parallel and distributed computing for symbolic and irregular applications.
PDSIA '99 was the fourth in a series of international workshops on parallel symbolic computing, a basic yet challenging area with wide applications in...