Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, Marianne M. Knottenbelt, Derek C.
Vetpraxis Spezial zu Hauterkrankungen bei Pferden bietet dem Pferdepraktiker einen komprimierten Einstieg in dieses Spezialgebiet. Die Autorin liefert praktische Tipps fr die dermatologische Diagnostik und Kernfakten zu den wichtigsten Hauterkrankungen unterschiedlicher Genese. ber 150 Abbildungen veranschaulichen das Thema.
Vetpraxis Spezial zu Hauterkrankungen bei Pferden bietet dem Pferdepraktiker einen komprimierten Einstieg in dieses Spezialgebiet. Die Autorin liefert...
Steven L. Percival Derek C. Knottenbelt Christine A. Cochrane
Biofilms are implicated in many common medical problems including urinary tract infections, catheter infections, middle-ear infections, dental plaque, gingivitis, and some less common but more lethal processes such as endocarditis and infections in cystic fibrosis. However, the true importance of biofilms in the overall process of disease pathogenesis has only recently been recognized. Bacterial biofilms are one of the fundamental reasons for incipient wound healing failure in that they may impair natural cutaneous wound healing and reduce topical antimicrobial efficiency in infected skin...
Biofilms are implicated in many common medical problems including urinary tract infections, catheter infections, middle-ear infections, dental plaq...
A handy and portable guide to today's leading equine drugs, Saunders' Equine Formulary, 2nd Edition makes it quick and easy to look up drug information when you need it most - while you're in the field. And it's more than a simple formulary: this book also provides benchmark values on vital signs and normal values so that you can correctly interpret diagnostic tests. This new edition is the only equine formulary available both in print and as an app for mobile use. Written by a world-renowned expert on equine medicine, Derek Knottenbelt, this book is an indispensable reference for...
A handy and portable guide to today's leading equine drugs, Saunders' Equine Formulary, 2nd Edition makes it quick and easy to look up drug ...