Laurie Norber, the protagonist of "The Flash of Midnight," is a survivor of rape and child abuse who has managed to retain both her sense of humor and a positive outlook towards the future. Taking its inspiration from Voltaire's "Candide," "The Flash of Midnight" recounts the bisexual escapades of a young woman who steadfastly believes that real love is just around the corner, never imagining that in June of 1969 she will become the spark that ignites a sexual revolution at a small Greenwich Village bar called the Stonewall Inn.
Laurie Norber, the protagonist of "The Flash of Midnight," is a survivor of rape and child abuse who has managed to retain both her sense of humor and...
A stage adaptation of short stories by award-winning fantasist Harlan Ellison (including "Shatterday" and "Paladin of the Lost Hour") written by playwright Robert Armin. Welcome to Harlan Ellison's MORTAL DREADS: six extraordinary tales that tear through the fabric of space and time and reveal the gaping hole which opens onto Some Other Place... If you find these dark dreams troubling, maybe it's because they're your dreams A weary traveler on the Pacific Coast Highway seeks shelter from a torrential rain and discovers a bizarre little bookshop where even the most casual browser can find...
A stage adaptation of short stories by award-winning fantasist Harlan Ellison (including "Shatterday" and "Paladin of the Lost Hour") written by playw...