Gibt es eine Pflicht der Parteien des Zivilprozesses, unabhängig von ihrer Risikobelastung zur Aufklärung des Sachverhaltes beizutragen? Ist es im Zuge der europäischen Rechtsvereinheitlichung unerläßlich, eine solche Aufklärungspflicht einzuführen? Diese Fragen untersucht der Autor unter Zuhilfenahme eines "rechtsvergleichenden Rasters".§Besondere Aktualität erhält das Problem durch den sogenannten "Storme-Entwurf" der Kommission zur Vereinheitlichung der Zivilprozeßrechte in der EU, die von der EG-Kommission eingesetzt wurde. Kapitel 4 dieses Entwurfes sieht vor, im Zuge der...
Gibt es eine Pflicht der Parteien des Zivilprozesses, unabhängig von ihrer Risikobelastung zur Aufklärung des Sachverhaltes beizutragen? Ist es im Z...
The region of the skull base was long considered a surgical barrier because of its complex anatomy. With few exceptions, the region immediately beyond the dura or bony skull base constituted a "no man's land" for the surgeon working from the other direction. A major reason for this was the high morbidity associated with operative procedures in that area using traditional dissection techniques. This situation changed with the advent of the operating microscope. Used initially by ear, nose and throat specialists for resective and reconstructive surgery of the petrous bone and parana sal...
The region of the skull base was long considered a surgical barrier because of its complex anatomy. With few exceptions, the region immediately beyond...
Since the 1960s designers have progressively been taking note of the processes that link products to the environment. Issues such as how raw materials are procured and the conditions of production now influence the design process along with usage and recycling. The book traces the transformation of the notion of products, examines the aesthetic implications of ecological product design, and offers an overall system of classification.
Since the 1960s designers have progressively been taking note of the processes that link products to the environment. Issues such as how raw materi...