This second edition of a popular and unique introduction to Clifford algebras and spinors has three new chapters. The beginning chapters cover the basics: vectors, complex numbers and quaternions are introduced with an eye on Clifford algebras. The next chapters, which will also interest physicists, include treatments of the quantum mechanics of the electron, electromagnetism and special relativity. A new classification of spinors is introduced, based on bilinear covariants of physical observables. This reveals a new class of spinors, residing among the Weyl, Majorana and Dirac spinors....
This second edition of a popular and unique introduction to Clifford algebras and spinors has three new chapters. The beginning chapters cover the bas...
This volume is dedicated to the memory of Albert Crumeyrolle, who died on June 17, 1992. In organizing the volume we gave priority to: articles summarizing Crumeyrolle's own work in differential geometry, general relativity and spinors, articles which give the reader an idea of the depth and breadth of Crumeyrolle's research interests and influence in the field, articles of high scientific quality which would be of general interest. In each of the areas to which Crumeyrolle made significant contribution - Clifford and exterior algebras, Weyl and pure spinors, spin structures on manifolds,...
This volume is dedicated to the memory of Albert Crumeyrolle, who died on June 17, 1992. In organizing the volume we gave priority to: articles summar...
This edited survey book consists of 20 chapters showing application of Clifford algebra in quantum mechanics, field theory, spinor calculations, projective geometry, Hypercomplex algebra, function theory and crystallography. Many examples of computations performed with a variety of readily available software programs are presented in detail.
This edited survey book consists of 20 chapters showing application of Clifford algebra in quantum mechanics, field theory, spinor calculations, pr...