Has a turning point been reached in African economic recovery? Why have so few countries reached the UN growth target? Published in association with UNCTAD North America: Africa World Press
Has a turning point been reached in African economic recovery? Why have so few countries reached the UN growth target? Published in association with U...
Charles Gore (1853 1932), the future Bishop of Oxford and a passionate campaigner for social justice, compiled and edited these twelve theological essays published in 1891. The eleven contributors, all Oxford scholars at some time, shared the conviction that theology must engage with advances in scientific and historical knowledge, learn from them, and use them in interpreting Christian doctrine. In their case, this meant recognising God at work in the material world, in evolution, and in society, not merely at the spiritual level. 'If the true meaning of the faith is to be made sufficiently...
Charles Gore (1853 1932), the future Bishop of Oxford and a passionate campaigner for social justice, compiled and edited these twelve theological ess...