Presenting statistical and stochastic methods for the analysis and design of technological systems in engineering and applied areas, this work documents developments in statistical modelling, identification, estimation and signal processing. The book covers such topics as subspace methods, stochastic realization, state space modelling, and identification and parameter estimation.
Presenting statistical and stochastic methods for the analysis and design of technological systems in engineering and applied areas, this work documen...
An in-depth introduction to subspace methods for system identification in discrete-time linear systems thoroughly augmented with advanced and novel results, this text is structured into three parts.
Part I deals with the mathematical preliminaries: numerical linear algebra; system theory; stochastic processes; and Kalman filtering. Part II explains realization theory as applied to subspace identification. Stochastic realization results based on spectral factorization and Riccati equations, and on canonical correlation analysis for stationary processes are included. Part III demonstrates...
An in-depth introduction to subspace methods for system identification in discrete-time linear systems thoroughly augmented with advanced and novel...
An in-depth introduction to subspace methods for system identification in discrete-time linear systems thoroughly augmented with advanced and novel results, this text is structured into three parts.
Part I deals with the mathematical preliminaries: numerical linear algebra; system theory; stochastic processes; and Kalman filtering. Part II explains realization theory as applied to subspace identification. Stochastic realization results based on spectral factorization and Riccati equations, and on canonical correlation analysis for stationary processes are included. Part III demonstrates...
An in-depth introduction to subspace methods for system identification in discrete-time linear systems thoroughly augmented with advanced and novel...