Large system complexities and operation under tight timing constraints in rapidly shrinking technologies have made it extremely important to ensure correct temporal behavior of modern-day digital circuits, both before and after fabrication. Research in (pre-fabrication) timing verification and (post-fabrication) delay fault testing has evolved along largely disjoint lines in spite of the fact that they share many basic concepts. A Unified Approach for Timing Verification and Delay Fault Testing applies concepts developed in the context of delay fault testing to path...
Large system complexities and operation under tight timing constraints in rapidly shrinking technologies have made it extremely important to ensure co...
Wojciech Maly Andrzej J. Strojwas Stephen W. Director
One of the keys to success in the IC industry is getting a new product to market in a timely fashion and being able to produce that product with sufficient yield to be profitable. There are two ways to increase yield: by improving the control of the manufacturing process and by designing the process and the circuits in such a way as to minimize the effect of the inherent variations of the process on performance. The latter is typically referred to as "design for manufacture" or "statistical design." As device sizes continue to shrink, the effects of the inherent fluctuations in the IC...
One of the keys to success in the IC industry is getting a new product to market in a timely fashion and being able to produce that product with suffi...