In Philosophies of Reference Service, reference librarians share with you their reflective thinking about what they do as service providers. An important addition to the personal and occupational library of anyone in reference services, this book discusses the origins of reference service, its founding principles, the pleasures and pitfalls of the reference encounter, delivering high-quality service, and much, much more
In a clever juxtaposition of the fundamentals of reference service provision with top-notch thinking about the role of the reference librarian and what makes a...
In Philosophies of Reference Service, reference librarians share with you their reflective thinking about what they do as service providers. An import...
Nine articles discuss information support services for distance education. Iyer (information science and policy, State U. of New York, Albany) categorizes them as either focusing on innovative ways to access Web resources or specific programs. Topics include technical, pedagogical, and fiscal aspect
Nine articles discuss information support services for distance education. Iyer (information science and policy, State U. of New York, Albany) categor...