The present book describes a large variety of different types of chain systems (nanowires), including shorter chains that are artificially produced for instance in break-junction experiments, chains synthesized as guests inside the channels of a host crystal, crystalline chain compounds, organic polymers (synthetic metals), and charge-transfer salts, thus covering an unusual wealth of systems. Both experimental and theoretical studies are discussed. Particular emphasis is put on illustrating the special phenomena that occur in such quasi-one-dimensional systems, and how theoretical and...
The present book describes a large variety of different types of chain systems (nanowires), including shorter chains that are artificially produced fo...
Electronic-structure calculations of the properties of specific materials have become increasingly important over the last 30 years. Although several books on the subject have been published, it is rare to find one that covers in detail both the traditional quantum chemistry and the solid-state physics methods of electronic-structure calculations. This title bridges that gap, focusing equally on both types of method, including density-functional and HartreeFock-based approaches. The book is aimed at final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students of both chemistry and of physics. It...
Electronic-structure calculations of the properties of specific materials have become increasingly important over the last 30 years. Although several ...
Chemical Modelling: Applications and Theory comprises critical literature reviews of all aspects of molecular modelling. Molecular modelling in this context refers to modelliing the structure, properties and reactions of atoms, molecules and materials. Each chapter provides a selective review of recent literature, incorporating sufficient historical perspective for the non-specialist to gain an understanding. With chemical modelling covering such a wide range of subjects, this Specialist Periodical Report serves as the first port of call to any chemist, biochemist, materials scientist or...
Chemical Modelling: Applications and Theory comprises critical literature reviews of all aspects of molecular modelling. Molecular modelling in this c...
Chemical Modelling: Applications and Theory comprises critical literature reviews of all aspects of molecular modelling. Molecular modelling in this context refers to modelliing the structure, properties and reactions of atoms, molecules and materials. Each chapter provides a selective review of recent literature, incorporating sufficient historical perspective for the non-specialist to gain an understanding. With chemical modelling covering such a wide range of subjects, this Specialist Periodical Report serves as the first port of call to any chemist, biochemist, materials scientist or...
Chemical Modelling: Applications and Theory comprises critical literature reviews of all aspects of molecular modelling. Molecular modelling in this c...
For design purposes one needs to relate the structure of proposed materials to their NLO (nonlinear optical) and other properties, which is a situation where theoretical approaches can be very helpful in providing suggestions for candidate systems that subsequently can be synthesized and studied experimentally. This brief describes the quantum-mechanical treatment of the response to one or more external oscillating electric fields for molecular and macroscopic, crystalline systems. To calculate NLO properties of large systems, a linear scaling generalized elongation method for the...
For design purposes one needs to relate the structure of proposed materials to their NLO (nonlinear optical) and other properties, which is a situa...
Chemical Modelling covers a wide range of disciplines and is the first stop for any materials scientist, biochemist, chemist or molecular physicist wishing to acquaint themselves with major developments and current opinion in the applications and theory of chemical modelling.
Chemical Modelling covers a wide range of disciplines and is the first stop for any materials scientist, biochemist, chemist or molecular physicist wi...