"By his wounds we are healed"--Isaiah 53:5. We are wounded people. In this fallen world, people are hurt and exploited. Children are abused. Marriages are broken. Tragedies of all kinds afflict us and the ones we love. Woundedness, it seems, is simply a fact of life. But we are not alone in our suffering. Despite our emotional, psychological and physical injuries, God has not abandoned us. God is not distant or aloof. On the contrary, through the ministry of Jesus, God enters our painful situations to bring healing and redemption. Balancing sound biblical exposition with sensitive pastoral...
"By his wounds we are healed"--Isaiah 53:5. We are wounded people. In this fallen world, people are hurt and exploited. Children are abused. Marriages...
A licensed mental health therapist and ordained United Methodist minister, the author reveals how he was delivered from the deepest depths of despair and hopelessness to a sense of freedom and peace through God's grace and forgiveness.
A licensed mental health therapist and ordained United Methodist minister, the author reveals how he was delivered from the deepest depths of despair ...