Jack L. Koenig Professor J. L. Koenig J. L. Koenig
This revised and updated Second Edition of the best-selling reference/text is essential reading for students and scientists who seek a thorough and practical introduction to the field of polymer spectroscopy. Eleven chapters cover the fundamental aspects and experimental applications of the primary spectroscopic methods. The advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques for particular polymer systems are also discussed. The goal of the author is not to make the reader an expert in the field, but rather to provide enough information about the different spectroscopic methods that the...
This revised and updated Second Edition of the best-selling reference/text is essential reading for students and scientists who seek a thorough and pr...
Das Buch enthalt Kapitel uber: W.-M. Kulicke, M. Kotter, Hamburg; H. Grager, Celle, FRG: "Das Phanomen der " "Fliessverbesserung unter besonderer Berucksichtigung " "homogener Polymerlosungen" M. Andreis, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, J.L. Koenig: "Anwendung der NMR-Spektroskopie auf vernetzten " "Polymersystemen""
Das Buch enthalt Kapitel uber: W.-M. Kulicke, M. Kotter, Hamburg; H. Grager, Celle, FRG: "Das Phanomen der " "Fliessverbesserung unter besonderer Beru...