On March 26-27, 1980, a symposium organized by one of us (P. P. ) was held at the l79th American Chemical Society National 1eeting in Houston, Texas, under the sponsorship of the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision of the Division of Physical Chemistry. The symposium was entitled "The Role of the Electrostatic Potential in Chemistry," and it served as a stimulus for this book. The original scope and coverage have been broadened, however; included here, in addition to contributions from the eleven invited symposium speakers and two of the poster-session participants, are four papers that were...
On March 26-27, 1980, a symposium organized by one of us (P. P. ) was held at the l79th American Chemical Society National 1eeting in Houston, Texas, ...
On March 26-27, 1980, a symposium organized by one of us (P. P. ) was held at the l79th American Chemical Society National 1eeting in Houston, Texas, under the sponsorship of the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision of the Division of Physical Chemistry. The symposium was entitled "The Role of the Electrostatic Potential in Chemistry," and it served as a stimulus for this book. The original scope and coverage have been broadened, however; included here, in addition to contributions from the eleven invited symposium speakers and two of the poster-session participants, are four papers that were...
On March 26-27, 1980, a symposium organized by one of us (P. P. ) was held at the l79th American Chemical Society National 1eeting in Houston, Texas, ...