After a questionable arrest, a young man returns to his old neighborhood with a new perspective on life. Bitter from his experiences, he struggles to balance society's standards and life's harsh realities. Thought provoking and suspenseful, I Live: A Novel Without Heroes has the natural allure of sex, love, and violence with a twist. Wright whisks the reader into the mind of an intelligent outlaw experiencing the nuances of an unyielding and unjust city. Unforgettable and enlightening, this antihero's journey will leave you debating society's idea of right and wrong.
After a questionable arrest, a young man returns to his old neighborhood with a new perspective on life. Bitter from his experiences, he struggles to ...
A. D. Wright challenges the standard view that the development of Papal authority during this period simply reflected the 'Absolutism' of secular governments, and offers an analysis related to present historiographical debates on the subject.
A. D. Wright challenges the standard view that the development of Papal authority during this period simply reflected the 'Absolutism' of secular gove...