Cardiac hypertrophy and accompanying phenomena have received increasing attention in recent years - particularly in the basic sciences. The present volume contains the proceedings of the Erwin RIESCH SYMPOSIUM on "CARDIAC ADAPTATION TO HEMODYNAMIC OVERLOAD, TRAINING AND STRESS" held in Tiibingen on Sep tember 19-22, 1982. In addition to the topics of the previous symposia (1976 and 1979) concerned with problems of cardiac hypertrophy, the scope of this sequel meeting has been expanded to include related fields. The intention was to consider numerous related features and problems of chronic...
Cardiac hypertrophy and accompanying phenomena have received increasing attention in recent years - particularly in the basic sciences. The present vo...
Assessment of cardiac energetics at the level of ATP-synthesis, chemomechanical energy transformation and whole organ dynamics as a function of haemodynamic load, ventricular configuration and oxygen- and substrates supply is basic to understanding cardiac function under physiological and pathophysiological (hypertrophy, hypoxia, ischaemia and heart failure) conditions. Moreover, cardiac energetics should be an important consideration in the choice and application of drugs especially in the case of vasodilators, inotropic agents and in cardioprotective measures. Only by considering energetics...
Assessment of cardiac energetics at the level of ATP-synthesis, chemomechanical energy transformation and whole organ dynamics as a function of haemod...
The past years have witnessed considerable progress in the field of fundamental research in cardiology. Nevertheless, numerous problems and controversial concepts remain. Some of these controversies concern relatively simple issues, e. g. the question of the extent to which a common length-tension or pressure-volume relationship exists independent of type of contraction and preload. The present volume is a compendium of an Erwin Riesch sympo sium held July 12-13,1985, with the aim of critically analysing generally accepted concepts and theories as well as current trends in cardiology. In...
The past years have witnessed considerable progress in the field of fundamental research in cardiology. Nevertheless, numerous problems and controvers...