"The tale of Carl Wake and the hurricane that was waiting for him goes straight to the heart of the greatest sea stories: they are not about man against the sea, but man against himself. John Kretschmer's book is as perfectly shaped and flawlessly written as such a story can be. In addition to being the best depiction I have ever read of what it is like to be inside a hurricane at sea, At the Mercy of the Sea is as moving a story of a man's failure and redemption as can be found anywhere in the literature of the sea. This book is surely destined to become a classic."--Peter Nichols, author...
"The tale of Carl Wake and the hurricane that was waiting for him goes straight to the heart of the greatest sea stories: they are not about man ag...
From trailer sailers like the ODay 23, to coastal cruisers like the Ericson 35, to blue water classics like the Valiant 40, the Used Boat Notebook covers a fascinating spectrum of boats. These thoroughly researched reviews include owner insights, a guide to common problems and suggestions on where to find parts, advice and support. In addition, 'ten great and affordable used boats to sail around the world' features quality boats that prospective world cruisers should seriously consider. The boats are selected for their seaworthiness and their value in the market place.
From trailer sailers like the ODay 23, to coastal cruisers like the Ericson 35, to blue water classics like the Valiant 40, the Used Boat Notebook cov...
Over the course of twenty years of delivering sailboats to far-flung quaysides, John Kretschmer has had innumerable adventures, both humorous and terrifying. in Flirting with Mermaids, he recounts the most memorable of them. He crosses the Western Caribbean with a crew of eccentric Swedes researching ancient Mayan mariners, lands in Aden at the outbreak of civil war, and endures a North Atlantic crossing during which he disocvers the existence of Force 13 winds. Approaching Japan at the end of a particularly trying delivery, he finds himself sailing in "a high impact debris zone," but his...
Over the course of twenty years of delivering sailboats to far-flung quaysides, John Kretschmer has had innumerable adventures, both humorous and terr...
With the used boat market growing and becoming more complex, here is the book that all boat buyers have been waiting for: John Kretschmer's Used Boat Notebook has long been one of the most popular features in Sailing Magazine where Kretschmer provides a hard hitting, detailed review of a well-known boat each month. In this new collection, Kretschmer dedicates each chapter to an individual boat, providing the same fine details and updated information that made his magazine column a success. The thoroughly researched reviews of the 40 most popular boats include owner insights, a guide to common...
With the used boat market growing and becoming more complex, here is the book that all boat buyers have been waiting for: John Kretschmer's Used Boat ...