Television is a unique medium in that both its dramas and its comedies have the ability to tell their stories over real time, with characters developing over years rather than just the two hours allowed in a movie or the few hundred pages of a book. Despite this, very few authors have attempted to look at television from this vantage point. Prime-Time Television provides an essential resource for anyone interested in the history of television. The focus here is on programming: the shows, the producers, the genres, the trends, and the influences. Everyone interested in the questions...
Television is a unique medium in that both its dramas and its comedies have the ability to tell their stories over real time, with characters devel...
This chronicle of US broadcasting regulation covers three crucial periods from the Radio Act of 1912 to the 1927 act that still serves as the basis for regulation. The author used primary documents to create this detailed analysis.
This chronicle of US broadcasting regulation covers three crucial periods from the Radio Act of 1912 to the 1927 act that still serves as the basis fo...