Imitation is an often-observed form of behavior that is beginning to attract widespread attention on the part of a variety of researchers. Imitative acts of newborn babies and development of imitation skills in later life have been discussed in a variety of scientific studies, but the large amount of observational and experimental data has been widely dispersed. There is a need for a synthetic study in which the results of this research can be analyzed and the neural mechanisms of imitation can be explored and established. Imitation in Human and Animal Behavior fulfills this need....
Imitation is an often-observed form of behavior that is beginning to attract widespread attention on the part of a variety of researchers. Imitativ...
In laboratory research, the process of conditioning is traditionally initiated with a single intermittent stimulus (such as a tone or flash of light). This is true of both classical and instrumental research. Because of its role in evoking conditioned behavior, the use of an intermittent stimulus has become an indispensable part of laboratory research on conditioned behavior. The question arises whether the same scheme of conditioning may be applied to behaviors occurring in real life.
In Conditioning, Wanda Wyrwicka analyzes evidence of the influence of situations on...
In laboratory research, the process of conditioning is traditionally initiated with a single intermittent stimulus (such as a tone or flash of ligh...