This guide to the prescriptive selection of psychosocial interventions is founded on a research-based model that sequentially considers patient dimensions, environments, settings, therapists, and therapies. Topics covered include: the development of a prescriptive decision model, and patient predisposing variables.
This guide to the prescriptive selection of psychosocial interventions is founded on a research-based model that sequentially considers patient dimens...
Using actual case material from the psychiatric hospital setting, the principal setting in which psychological assessments are conducted, this volume shows how psychological assessment contributes to the clarification of diagnostic issues and the development of an optimal treatment plan. Beginning with disorders usually first evident in infancy, childhood, or adolescence and ending with the Axis II personality disorders, the book presents an array of case material to reflect the range of DSM-III-R categories. Few changes have been made in the original test materials provided or in the...
Using actual case material from the psychiatric hospital setting, the principal setting in which psychological assessments are conducted, this volume ...
Offering a sophisticated introduction to a contemporary psychodynamic model of the mind and treatment, this book provides an approach to understanding and treating higher level personality pathology. It describes a specific form of treatment called "dynamic psychotherapy for higher level personality pathology" (DPHP), which was designed specifically to treat the rigidity that characterizes that condition. Based on psychodynamic object relations theory, DPHP is an outgrowth of transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) and is part of an integrated approach to psychodynamic treatment of...
Offering a sophisticated introduction to a contemporary psychodynamic model of the mind and treatment, this book provides an approach to understand...
Now in a fully revised and expanded second edition, this title brings together in one volume the most important current perspectives on personality pathology. Chapters from leading experts have been extensively rewritten to reflect a decade's worth of significant theoretical, empirical, and clinical developments, and two entirely new chapters have been added.
Now in a fully revised and expanded second edition, this title brings together in one volume the most important current perspectives on personality pa...
Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Clinical Guide presents a model of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and its treatment that is based on contemporary psychoanalytic object relations theory as developed by the leading thinker in the field, Otto Kernberg, M.D., who is also one of the authors of this insightful manual. The model is supported and enhanced by material on current phenomenological and neurobiological research and is grounded in real-world cases that deftly illustrate principles of intervention in ways that mental health professionals...
Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Clinical Guide presents a model of borderline personality disorder (BPD) ...
Providing an integrated, innovative synthesis of contemporary psychodynamic approaches to psychotherapy embedded in a contemporary model of psychopathology, Psychodynamic Therapy for Personality Pathology: Treating Self and Interpersonal Functioning introduces Dynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders, a specialized, theory-driven approach to the treatment of personality disorders.
Providing an integrated, innovative synthesis of contemporary psychodynamic approaches to psychotherapy embedded in a contemporary model of psychopath...
Caligor/Kernberg/Clarkin: Übertragungsfokussierte Psychotherapie bei neurotischer Persönlichkeitsstruktur Effektiv behandeln mit der PTSP Die Psychodynamische Therapie höher strukturierter Persönlichkeitsstörungen (PTSP) ist eine spezifische Behandlungsmethode für Patienten mit neurotischer Persönlichkeitsstruktur - entwickelt von einer Studiengruppe um Otto F. Kernberg. Das praxisnahe Therapiehandbuch bietet neben theoretischen Grundlagen über Persönlichkeitsstörungen und Strukturniveaus, differenzierte Erläuterungen zur UmSetzung der PTSP in der Praxis und konkrete Hinweise zu...
Caligor/Kernberg/Clarkin: Übertragungsfokussierte Psychotherapie bei neurotischer Persönlichkeitsstruktur Effektiv behandeln mit der PTSP Di...