What are your symptoms and illnesses telling you about yourself? In Your Body Speaks Your Mind, renowned teacher and bestselling author Deb Shapiro shows you how mastering the language of your symptoms can actually increase your potential for healing. You'll discover how unresolved psycho/emotional issues can affect your physical health, how fee...
What are your symptoms and illnesses telling you about yourself? In Your Body Speaks Your Mind, renowned teacher and bestselling author Deb Shapiro sh...
MERGING is the story of two heterosexual women who find themselves through their relationship with each other. It is a story of unexpected, unasked for, unlooked for love that takes Anna and Sarah into a world of conflicting emotions and longings, awakening deeper pain and unknown joy. It is a story of finding freedom.
MERGING is the story of two heterosexual women who find themselves through their relationship with each other. It is a story of unexpected, unasked fo...