"It is only when we forget our learning that we begin to know", Thoreau wrote. Ideas about education permeate Thoreau's writing. "Uncommon Learning" brings those ideas together in a single volume for the first time. Part of "The Spirit of Thoreau Series". 20-30 drawings by Thoreau.
"It is only when we forget our learning that we begin to know", Thoreau wrote. Ideas about education permeate Thoreau's writing. "Uncommon Learning" b...
In 1964, Jonathan Kozol entered the Boston Public School system to teach fourth grade at one of its most overcrowded inner-city schools. Here, he unflinchingly exposes the disturbing "destruction of hearts and minds in the Boston public school." Death at an Early Age is the unsparing, heart-wrenching account of the year he spent there--the most shocking and powerful personal story ever told by a young teacher, now updated with a new epilogue by the author.
"Honest and terrifying... the heartbreaking story it tells has to be...
In 1964, Jonathan Kozol entered the Boston Public School system to teach fourth grade at one of its most ...
This is the book for readers of Jonathan Kozol's previous works on education, including The Shame of the Nation and On Being a Teacher; for readers of memoirs like Frank McCourt's Teacher Man; for new teachers looking for guidance and inspiration; and for educators, administrators, and children's advocates of all levels of experience. From the award-winning author of bestsellers Shame of the Nation, Savage Inequalities, Amazing Grace, Death at an Early Age, and Ordinary Resurrections, Jonathan Kozol's most personally insightful and revealing work to date...
This is the book for readers of Jonathan Kozol's previous works on education, including The Shame of the Nation and On Being a Teacher; ...
Jonathan Kozol, National Book Award-winning author and one of America s foremost writers on social issues, offers a passionate and provocative critique on the role of the teacher in America s public school system. Writing as a teacher, Kozol advocates an approach to education that is infused with ethical values: fairness, truth, and integrity, and a driving compassion for the world beyond the classroom. Kozol not only sheds light on what it means to be a teacher, but gives constructive suggestions on how teachers can work conscientiously within the system to foster these values in concert...
Jonathan Kozol, National Book Award-winning author and one of America s foremost writers on social issues, offers a passionate and provocative critiqu...
For two years, beginning in 1988, Jonathan Kozol visited schools in neighborhoods across the country, from Illinois to Washington D.C., and from New York to San Antonio.He spoke with teachers, principals, superintendents, and, most important, children. What he found was devastating. Not only were schools for rich and poor blatantly unequal, the gulf between the two extremes was widening--and it has widened since. The urban schools he visited were overcrowded and understaffed, and lacked the basic elements of learning--including books and, all too often, classrooms for the students....
For two years, beginning in 1988, Jonathan Kozol visited schools in neighborhoods across the country, from Illinois to Washington D.C., and from New Y...
It is startling and it is shaming: in a country that prides itself on being among the most enlightened in the world, 25 million American adults cannot read the poison warnings on a can of pesticide, a letter from their child's teacher, or the front page of a newspaper. An additional 35 million read below the level needed to function successfully in our society. The United States ranks forty-ninth among 158 member nations of the UN in literacy, and wastes over $100 billion annually as a result. The problem is not merely an embarrassment, it is a social and economic disaster.
It is startling and it is shaming: in a country that prides itself on being among the most enlightened in the world, 25 million American adults cannot...